Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Time to update on some of my favorite projects!

This one is probably my favorite I've EVER done. Not sure if the kids like it as much right now just because it's still WAY TOO HOT outside! Stupid 100 degree temperatures in JUNE. And here I thought I moved AWAY from St. George. Oh well! It could be worse. I could actually be in St. George. Where they're hitting 115. Sorry Mom. But that's just horrible.

Anyway. On to the project.

I found these plans at Have I ever mentioned how much I love her? She's amazing and one of my inspirations in life.

Anyway, enough gabbing. On to the pictures!

 Here's the platform as it stood at the end of the first day.
 And here are the four walls all up at the end of the third day.

 My sweet little one had to pose. Can you tell she's taking a dance class? This is the "pop it" pose as she calls it.

 I was working SO hard to get the roof on, but the wind was blowing like CRAZY that day, so I was only able to get the rafters up. I had to wait two whole days to get back to work on it!
 But it finally got there. Phew! But then I didn't have a roofing blade for my utility knife, so this is how the play set sat for a while. Until my darling husband got up to fix it. I still need to go take some pictures of it now that it's almost done, but we still need to get the top shingles up and then paint the whole thing. But I also really want to put some shelves in the windows so little hands don't get slivers.

Let's be honest here, shall we? I actually have about a thousand other things I want to do before I'll call the whole thing finished. But let's enjoy some more pictures before I list those, shall we?

So here's the current to-do list:

  • Paint the house blue.
  • Paint the trim white
  • Add shelves to the windows
  • Add window boxes to all three windows
  • Stain the deck, railing, and ramp with some kind of sealer
  • Add a mailbox to the bottom of the ramp
  • Add a can phone to be used from the house to the sandbox
  • Weed out the whole surrounding area
  • Line the sandbox and fill it with sand (possible gravel instead -- we'll see how much work I want to have after playtime)
  • Add stone tic tac toe set outside of sandbox
  • Add tiled hopscotch outside of sandbox
  • Figure out some kind of cover for the sandbox
  • Paint the inside of the house with chalkboard paint and buy chalk for drawing inside
  • Cover the ceiling inside the playhouse so kids don't play with all the roofing nails.
  • Cover ground surrounding the whole play set with rubber mulch
  • Add swing set to the south side of the platform
  • Sit back and enjoy the silly thing! (And quit daydreaming of all the fun things I can do! Just imagine twinkle lights all around the bottom of the platform, some kind of pillow mattress for each of the kids to sleep outside, toy boxes to store all the sandbox toys...the list keeps growing!!!)
Do you ever feel like projects just NEVER end! My goodness! There's so much to do!

But at least the kids seem to like it. Maybe. If it weren't so hot.