I thought I'd post some pictures of my playroom. A little history on my house, first. We bought our house from my in-laws. This is the very house my husband grew up in. When my in-laws purchased the house, the basement was unfinished. Over the 22 years my in laws owned the house, they gradually started finishing things off. First off downstairs was my husband's old bedroom (now our oldest son's bedroom). Then the bathroom, and then the playroom. But for them it wasn't a playroom. It was a full apartment for my husband's oldest brother and his wife while my husband was on his mission. It was pretty much a rectangular room with carpet and your basic dover white paint on the walls. Nothing wrong with that, but it was just not working for me as a playroom. But, I'll be honest, I'm lazy and we're cheap, so nothing was done to really change it up for the first 9 years we lived here. Then our basement flooded. And the insurance company was willing to pay a set amount and I could do as much or as little of the work as I wanted. If I chose to do it myself, they said I could use any extra money to fix things up a little more. Well, sheesh! Twist my arm! So the kids are now starting to get their dream playroom. It's so much nicer.

This is the only picture I could find of the playroom before we fixed it up. Can you tell how much we liked it? At least it was fun.

Here's one side of the room post-remodel. We made an entertainment center out of three IKEA bookshelves and put lots of fun baskets.

I painted these fun trees and put on fabric circles for the obvious holes. I attached the fabric circles with a cornstarch mix.

And here's our fun new window! The kids are loving it. We still need to finish off the rest of the room under the stairs, but otherwise it's still lots of fun!