Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Kitchen Table

When my hubby and I first bought our house back in 2002, we decided we needed some new furniture. The two big things we bought (oddly enough) were a dryer and this lovely kitchen table. Well, it was lovely at the time. You know, your perfect first dining room table from the early 2000's. Pretty standard. Well, over the years, the kids have been pretty hard on it. Plus I have this water addiction (good thing). Problem is, I always leave my water sitting on the kitchen table. This table just wasn't meant to handle all that water! My hubby said I couldn't have a new kitchen table, though, until our youngest turns 5 so we won't have to replace it again in just a few years. So I kinda have to make due with this one. Hmmm... What to do about it since it drives me crazy? Why, paint it, of course! Before picture.
This is just after I sanded the whole thing down. I took the middle leaf out of it and took the whole thing out to the garage. Then I sanded down both leaves and the whole table. Once I was done sanding, I wiped the whole thing down with a wet washcloth to get rid of all the dust.

Prime time! Before I painted the whole thing, I wanted to prime it all. I have to be honest. I hate priming things. I normally never do it. But I wanted this to turn out really nice, so I was good and did it anyway.
Here's the whole thing primed -- including the two leaves.

And here it is all black. Pretty, isn't it? Now, before I was allowed to bring it back inside, I put four coats of polyurethane on it so we won't have this whole water damage problem again. Trust me. It was a necessary step.

And here it is! Didn't it turn out so beautiful? And the best part for me: I spilled some water on it and it all just beaded up so I could wipe it off. None of it absorbed into the table! Huzzah!! I'd call that definite success.

Another view of my pretty table. What do you think? I LOVE it!
I'm linking up to these fun parties!


Brittanycw said...

So cute!!! You should be so proud!!! =]

Pam said...

Love your table! It turned out great. I am a water drinker too and always leaving cups everywhere too. But I bought those stone coasters that soak up water and those are scattered all over the house in the places I tend to put down a cup. No more ring and no more messed up furniture! : ) You can find them inexpensively at Walmart and at Bed, Bath and Beyond too..hello coupon!

Maureen said...

You really did a great job! Isn't the power of paint awesome? I'll bet it lasts for years.